Witajcie / Hello
Dziś przypominajka w postaci prezentacji prac naszego zespołu inspirowane tutorialem Maede.
Cały kurs znajdziecie tutaj --- > klik ... Pod tym postem zgłaszacie też swoje prace!
Today there is a reminder in the form of a presentation of our team's works inspired by the Maede tutorial. You can find the entire course here ---> click ... You submit your works under this post!
Theme of the challenge - BOX FOR HERBAL TEA
When implementing your packaging for this challenge, remember that it is not about copying it, but about "getting inspired" by it. The composition, arrangement of elements and the character of the box are important here - its oval shape, for example, we also leave you the freedom to choose accessories and materials. Elements from the "Herbarium" collection are not necessary.
UWAGA: wysyłka na koszt zwycięzcy!
NOTE: Shipping at the winner's expense!
We are waiting for your works until July 31st! Have fun!
1. | Marzena Krusińska | 3. | evi | 5. | Pracowniadecodoris | |
2. | Senna | 4. | Senna 2 |
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dziękujemy że jesteś z nami :) baw się dobrze w naszej "piaskownicy" - załoga AP