Na kolejny cardlift wybrałyśmy przepiękną kartkę Bodlis. Dziewczyny dzielnie się spisały, tworząc swoje wersje. Każda inna, a jednak podobne - łączy je forma. Może i wy spróbujecie się pobawić. Zabawa potrwa do 7 października.
For the newest cardlift we chose a gorgeous card by Bodlis. The girls did great creating their interpretations - each one is different, yet still similar through the interesting form. Why don't you have a try? The challenge lasts till October 7th.
For the newest cardlift we chose a gorgeous card by Bodlis. The girls did great creating their interpretations - each one is different, yet still similar through the interesting form. Why don't you have a try? The challenge lasts till October 7th.

Anna - Maria

